Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trip starts with a little drama

Shortly after signing off of the computer and packing onto David's bike, we were ready to start the journey. I pushed my bike out to the driveway as did David. I snapped this picture:

David then was able to get his truck in the garage and we were ready to hit the road. I straddled my motorcycle and pushed the start button, nothing. I tried the usual, just in case my brain took a vacation before we even left WildWood Farm, like "is the ignition on?" Yes, the ignition was on and yes I was pushing the start button but Beauty just did.....nothing.

David pushed Beauty back into the garage. I took the luggage off the seat - no small feat as it was latched down securely for a two week ride. David took the seat off - no small feat as the leather heat shield makes the seat fit just a little too snug. He then but the battery charger on the terminals and juice was once again flowing but Beauty still wouldn't start. A quick check of the connections showed a loose wire. David fixed it and Beauty started up.

Next we had to finesse the seat back on and latch the luggage back on. Now we were then ready to roll - and just 15 minutes after the above picture was taken. Two new items were added to the trailer, though: a set of Allen wrenches and the battery charger.

We had a non-eventful rest of the day except for the extreme heat. By the time we got to Ted's in early afternoon, both motorcycle thermometers hit 100.

Dale and Vicki were already here and tomorrow the six of us head out for Pennsylvania.

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